Meet Anthe.


Anthe Kelley, E-RYT, MA Eastern Classics, ordained minister, Doctoral Candidate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Reiki Master/Teacher, Healing Arts practitioner and perennial student of ancient studies and practices from multiple continents, healing arts, earth-based practices, and Consciousness, is enormously honored to devote her teaching to Akasha Yoga School, to the students drawn to this program, and to the path of yoga, teaching, spiritual practice and growing in authenticity.  As the founder of Akasha Yoga School, Akasha Studio, and Blossoming Heart Ministry, Anthe has devoted her life work to creating outlets for people to explore the sanctity of their inner-being and to provide the space, openness and guidance to give permission to others to venture deep into this journey within and to quicken their awakened state of connectedness with the whole web of life.

Anthe is honored to welcome a powerful group of teachers to share in the 200-hour Akasha Yoga Teacher Training program, many of whom were inspirational teachers in her path of growing as a student, teacher, and human being. She values the diversity and fluidity of viewpoints and approaches, and cherishes the thread that connects them all. To Anthe yoga asana becomes a form of embodied movement which may be expressed through any number of means but ultimately it is one performed with devotion, awareness, fluid identity and connected sanctity.

Anthe views her role as Lead Teacher at Akasha Yoga School as one where she serves openly as a steward for others’ processes, inviting them to grow in the ways that are most empowering for them according to their individual natures; to provide everyone, alike, with a solid base and form for teaching a meaningful, intelligent, embodied vinyasa class with confidence and purpose; and to open many doorways of possibility to support the continuing exploration of self-study, potentiality and inspired learning and being.

Also, as an Ordained Minister of Her Walking Prayer Rev. Anthe resonates with being a "Devotee of the Mother" and an active restorer of the Feminine in all arenas. She acknowledges herself as a perennial student and sees this process of Evolution as a multi-dimensional school:

"I feel so blessed to participate in this Earth school with its great challenges and even greater Beauty and Blessings.

I subscribe to the view that all life and truth can be found within ourselves, and our "higher power" dwells here-- within.  At the same time I view the small "we" as expressions of an infinitely great life force and source, and in turn see our job as "simply" being a vehicle for this source.  We are allies of Life, and our job IS to protect and sustain and nourish this inner light that Life breathes through us and entrusts us to shine.  I see this as our calling.

Each one of us possesses a special Medicine, a healing gift(s) that we give to others.  What we really need to do, and give each other permission to do, is to be ourselves.  Our true selves.  There is no special "task" or program (though our "selves" may subscribe to many programs and undergo many tasks) but in its simplest form, we are called simply to be who we are.  (And that is the challenge!)

I pray that every step is one taken in conscious surrender, honor, beauty, grace and courage.  And I pray that each honors the sacredness of the life within and without in its blazing beauty and abundance."

With her Reiki, healing and Ministry work Anthe embraces you in a spirit of openness, acceptance, genuineness and support.  She views her role and service as one of collaboration with you on your individual path of healing, transition and transformation.  Together we will surrender to life's unfolding and blossoming and find the truth that comes with trust:

“The only way is through."

Anthe founded the greater silence corporation (a 501c3 organization) and Akasha Studio in 2010, Akasha Yoga School in 2014, and Santa Fe’s Akasha Studio in 2017.  Anthe has trained intensively in Power Yoga, Dream Yoga with the World Shamanic Yoga Institute, Mangalam Yantra Yoga with Lama Migmar of the Sakya Center and lineage, Yin Yoga with Josh Summers, and is presently training in Prana Danda Vinyasa with Demetri Velisarius among other modalities. She is a Reiki Master/Teacher and an Ordained Minister through the Center for Sacred Studies, an MA in Eastern Classics from St. John's College, Santa Fe, NM.  She inherited the directorship of International Karma Yoga Day. She is grateful to Demetri Velisarius, Russ Hazard, Lama Migmar, Jyoti, the International Council of the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, Amaru Cosco, her family, biological and spiritual, Aenaon, Adara and Ailan and all her friends, teachers, allies, and mentors, seen and unseen.

Anthe has been teaching yoga and Reiki for fifteen years and has been a student on the Path for over thirty (and counting…!).



eka pada rajokapotasana

eka pada rajokapotasana

pincha mayurasana

pincha mayurasana

supta baddha konasana

supta baddha konasana